Aisling Consulting | Find Your Talent

Rethinking Wellness at Work

Human resource

Last week, Melissa Norman, our Founder and MD, wrote about the “Great Resignation” specifically, the boundless opportunities this phenomenon presents to business leaders and employers to reconsider the way they treat their people, as well as steps toward building mutually beneficial relationships with their workforce. Needless to say, the pandemic has changed how we work, […]

A Recovering Economy Provides Great Opportunities for Continuous Improvement

Malaysia Building - Recruitment agency in malaysia

Job openings are on the rise as Malaysia’s economy recovers this year, as evidenced by the latest MIDF Employment Survey report. Employment rose to a record 2.9 per cent year-on-year in March 2022 (Q122), while the labour force grew steadily at 2.2 per cent year on year. While this is a good sign, some problems […]

How to Resolve Workplace Conflicts When Our People Clock In Post Pandemic

As corporate Malaysia moves into the endemic phase, we are seeing more people returning to the office. This means more face-to-face interaction with colleagues, and for those who joined an organisation in the midst of the pandemic, it could mean that they are meeting their colleagues on a regular basis, for the first time in […]

From the ‘Great Resignation’ to the ‘Great Adaptation’

You have probably seen the phrase the “Great Resignation” pop up with shocking regularity over the past few months. After all, 2020 and 2021 are seen as years of unprecedented layoffs in Malaysia and around the world. Today, with conditions gradually normalising, one might assume that everything is returning to normal and that employees can […]