Human Resource

How to Humanise Your Hiring Process: A Guide for Making Candidates Feel Welcome and Valued

Are you looking to humanise your hiring process? Do you want to make sure that candidates have a positive experience throughout the process and feel valued and welcome?

The talent crunch that plagued the world for most of 2022 does not look like it’s ending anytime soon in 2023. As competitions to hire the best talents become fiercer, employers and recruitment agencies are struggling to fill open jobs. Factor in the talent shortage and brain drain in various industries, and you won’t be surprised to learn that finding the best match for your organisation can be like finding a needle in a haystack.

From understanding the candidate’s perspective to giving feedback in a timely manner, these tips will help you humanise your hiring process and make sure your candidates feel respected and appreciated.

Understanding the candidate’s perspective

The hiring process can be an overwhelming experience for candidates — and it’s easy to forget that as the hiring manager when you’re immersed in the process every day.

Before you can humanise your hiring process, you need to understand the candidate’s perspective.

a. What are the candidate’s main concerns?

b. What are they going through?

The candidate’s experience is heavily influenced by the hiring process that you, as the hiring manager, set up. If you want to humanise your hiring process, you need to put yourself in your candidate’s shoes and see things from their perspective.

a. What is their main goal during this process?

b. What can you do as the hiring manager to make sure they have a great experience?

Creating a welcoming environment

The first thing you need to do to humanise your hiring process is to make sure that it feels welcoming.

Your job board, your application, your interview process — they need to reflect that there is a human being on the other side. This doesn’t only mean that your website needs a new design although that is a good place to start!

You need to make sure that your hiring process is accessible for candidates at all stages in the hiring journey. This means that candidates should be able to easily find your jobs, apply for them, and get in contact with you. Preferably, they should also be able to experience your hiring process in their own environment, so don’t make them come to you if you can come to them.

Making the candidate feel valued

You also need to make sure that candidates feel valued.

This means that you need to go above and beyond for your candidates. It doesn’t matter if it is your hiring manager or HR who is in contact with a candidate, they need to feel that they are valued and appreciated.

If a candidate has applied to your company, they have taken the time to send you a cover letter and a resume. They have taken the time to answer your questions, and they have taken the time to be interviewed by your hiring manager. That is a lot of effort, and you need to make sure that candidates know that they are valued and appreciated.

Giving timely feedback

Feedback is important to every candidate and should be timely.

Candidates need a way to track their progress throughout the hiring process, and they need feedback on how they’re doing. You don’t want to leave candidates in the dark about how they are doing throughout the hiring process.

It is easy for candidates to wonder whether you even read their application or not, and you don’t want them to feel discouraged. Make sure that you are timely with your feedback, and your candidates are receiving you feedback in a timely manner too!

Offering a personalised experience

A personalised experience goes beyond feedback and shows that you truly care.

Remember that there are many candidates applying to your job board, so how can you make sure that:

a. They feel valued and appreciated

b. What can you do to stand out?

All it takes is to you offer a personalised experience by thanking candidates for their application. This shows that you care about all the candidates who applied; not just the ones who made it through to the next steps in the hiring process

Staying in touch with candidates after the application

Since you are following up on applications, you could also follow up with candidates who didn’t make it through to the next steps in the hiring process.

Why? Because candidates who don’t make it through to the next steps still want to know if they can improve and how they can do so. They still want to feel valued and appreciated, but they might not know how to get in touch with you if they don’t have your contact information.

It is easy for candidates to feel lost and forgotten; so make sure that you stay in touch with all the candidates who applied, no matter whether they made it through to the next steps in the hiring process or not.

Making sure your hiring process is transparent

Candidates want to know what to expect at each stage of the hiring process.

They want to know how long the hiring process typically takes, what the next steps are, and if there are any hoops they have to jump through.

Transparency is important in any relationship, and it is no different in the hiring process.

Bring it together

Bringing it all together

Strong business culture and many benefits are excellent, but many talents, especially today, also crave connection and appreciation. It is possible to reduce the risk of losing some of your best employees, both present and future, by following these tips.

If you cannot find the right talent for your organisation yet, be patient. The hiring process may take time but hiring the right people will save you more time in the long run and contribute towards the growth of your organisation.

At Aisling, we can provide the expertise of our experienced recruiters based on the custom requirements of organisations. By combining our customer and talent acquisition approach with our subject matter expertise across our areas of specialisation, we continue to maintain a high degree of positive impact in our partnerships.

To learn more about our services, send us a message at

Human Resource

Hiring? 3 Steps to Finding the Right Fit for Your Organisation

The talent crunch that plagued the world for most of 2022 does not look like it’s ending anytime soon in 2023. As competitions to hire the best talents become fiercer, employers and recruitment agencies are struggling to fill open jobs. Factor in the talent shortage and brain drain in various industries, and you won’t be surprised to learn that finding the best match for your organisation can be like finding a needle in a haystack.

For many organisations and recruitment agencies in Malaysia, this means realising that not one solution will be able to retain a productive workforce and draw in enough talent to fill in all the job opportunities.

It might be tough in today’s landscape, but it is not impossible.

1. Humanise the recruitment process:

At Aisling, we understand the value of the human element and make every effort to include it throughout every step of the hiring process.           

Body language and other subtle social signs might not be recognised as effectively in the current situation where a lot of hiring has moved online. It’s crucial to demonstrate to the applicant that they are speaking to a genuine person with whom they can connect and have a conversation.

This will make it simpler for a potential employee to open up, which might allow you to better understand their personality and make an informed assessment of their suitability for your organisation. 

2. Employee experience is key:

Focus on employee experience – the complete employment experience, including the employee’s first day at a company, their onboarding process, their regular workday, and even their last day.

This will not only improve your ability to recruit the greatest talent, but it will also make it easier to keep talent on board since they will be less inclined to look for other employment.

3. Provide opportunities for them to upskill:

Some may wonder why employees would still choose to quit an organisation even if it had the finest benefits.

A strong business culture and a wide range of benefits are excellent, but many talents, especially in this day and age, also hunger for personal growth. In this regard, companies that don’t provide workers the chance to learn new skills and further their education, especially out of concern that they could leave the company later, risk losing some of its finest employees.

To upskill your present and future employees, utilise relevant technologies and resources, such as psychometric tests, workshops, and various courses.

If you cannot find the right talent for your organisation yet, be patient. The hiring process may take time but hiring the right people will save you more time in the long run and contribute towards the growth of your organisation.

At Aisling, we can provide the expertise of our experienced recruiters based on the custom requirements of organisations.

Indoor meeting

By combining our customer and talent acquisition approach with our subject matter expertise across our areas of specialisation, Aisling Search & Selection continues to maintain a high degree of positive impact in our partnerships.

To learn more about our services, send us a message at

Human Resource

10 HR Trends and Priorities for HR Teams in 2023: What to Prepare For!

‍The Human Resources (HR) landscape is ever-changing and adapting to the needs of a business. As the world continues to evolve and develop, HR teams must stay ahead of the curve and anticipate the changes that will shape the future of HR. In 2023, HR teams should prepare for 10 key trends and priorities that will shape the way they manage their organisation. These trends will focus on how to optimise HR processes and deliver a better employee experience. From understanding the employee journey to using HR tech solutions, HR teams will need to focus on the following 10 HR trends and priorities to remain competitive and successful in the HR arena.

1. Understanding the Employee Journey

As the global economy continues to change, so will the employee journey. Understanding the employee journey can help HR teams to ensure that employees are engaged and satisfied with their experience working with their organisation. HR teams will need to understand where their employees are in the hiring process and what they need to feel engaged and satisfied while they work with the company. With the employee journey in mind, HR teams will be able to create more personalised interactions and tailor their offerings to the needs of their employees. They will also be able to better manage and reduce the time it takes for employees to get onboarded, and they will be able to reduce employee turnover by providing a personalized employee experience.


2. Enhancing the Employee Experience

HR teams will need to continue to enhance the employee experience to ensure that employees are happy, content, and engaged in their work. In 2023, companies will need to offer more personalised benefits and perks to stay competitive and keep talented employees such as personalised work hours, and on-site therapy, among others. By enhancing the employee experience, HR teams will be able to retain their best talent, which will help an organization achieve its business goals.

3. Leveraging HR Technology Solutions

With the increased demand for tailored benefits and a positive employee experience, HR teams will need to leverage technology and HR technology solutions to make this happen. From employee engagement and satisfaction surveys to recruitment software and tools, HR teams should be focused on leveraging technology and HR technology solutions to support their business. By leveraging these solutions, HR teams will be able to automate many of the tedious and time-consuming processes they complete while managing employees and also providing an individualised experience to employees.

4. Emphasizing the Role of Analytics in HR

Employers will need to collect data to understand which of their employees need certain benefits and what they need. Analytics can help to drive this process and provide the insights needed to make these decisions. The biggest advantage of analytics in HR is that it is essentially an automated approach to collecting data in a very efficient manner. It also provides added value to businesses by providing insights into how the business is performing so that it can make the necessary improvements to stay competitive.

5. Focusing on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

As the world continues to change, so will the role of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. HR teams should continue to focus on driving a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion to ensure that their employees are happy and feel supported in their work. To do this, HR teams should make a shift from hiring for skills to hiring for cultural fit. Hiring for cultural fit will allow an organization to hire a more diverse set of employees. It will also help to eliminate unconscious bias within the hiring process and ensure that all employees feel supported and valued within the organisation.

office culture
6. Implementing Continuous Performance Management

As the employee experience continues to improve, the need for continuous performance management will increase. Continuous performance management is the process of monitoring an employee’s performance at all times instead of completing annual reviews. This allows employers to intervene earlier if they notice an employee is not meeting the company’s standards. With the push towards more automation and the use of technology in HR, continuous performance management is bound to become a common practice among businesses. Continuous performance management will allow employers to provide a better employee experience and a more personalized approach to managing their employees.

7. Prioritising Wellbeing and Mental Health

With the rise of mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression, HR teams should focus on well-being in their organisations. Employers should be offering mental health benefits and tools, such as meditation programmes and therapy initiatives, to their employees to help them manage their mental health. By prioritising well-being and mental health in the workplace, employers will be able to retain their employees and keep them healthy and productive. This will also help employers to create a more positive and healthy organizational culture.

8. Investing in Employee Development and Learning

As the employee experience evolves, the need for employee development and learning will increase. Employers will need to invest in employee development and learning to ensure that their employees remain competitive and valuable in their careers. This can be done through online courses, mentorship programmes, or providing tuition reimbursement, as examples. By investing in employee development and learning, organisations can drive up employee retention and ensure that their employees are successful and fulfilled in their work.

9. Optimising Recruitment Strategies

As the economy and job market continue to evolve, the recruitment strategies of organisations will need to change. With the rise of automation, the use of technology in the hiring process, and the increased demand for customized benefits, recruitment strategies will need to change. Instead of relying on traditional hiring methods, such as job boards and résumé submissions, employers will need to take a more customised approach to hiring. In 2023, employers will focus on building strong employer brands and providing personalized career advice and guidance to job seekers.

10. Embracing Automation and Robotics

While the adoption of automation and robotics will impact job roles, it will also create new roles and opportunities for employees. To prepare for this shift, HR teams can start by investing in expertise. This can include hiring employees who have expertise in automation and robotics, or it can include hiring talent that has the skills and expertise to manage and oversee robotic implementations. In addition, HR teams should prepare for automation and robotics by figuring out which processes can be automated, what skill sets will be needed to manage and oversee automation, and how to manage change in the organization and culture as a result of automation and robotics adoption.

Bringing it all together

As the world continues to change and develop, so will the HR landscape. HR teams will need to anticipate the changes that will shape the future of HR by focusing on the 10 HR trends and priorities to prepare for success and manage their organisation better. This begins with understanding the employee journey, enhancing the employee experience, leveraging HR technology solutions, and emphasising the role of analytics in HR. Next, organizations should focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion and implement continuous performance management. Finally, organizations should invest in employee development and learning, optimize recruitment strategies, and embrace automation and robotics to prepare for the future of HR.

Onward to 2023!