Aisling Consulting | Find Your Talent

Aisling aims to create a good, holistic employee engagement program, where norms, beliefs, and values are shared across an organisation. Our goal is to create a healthy workplace, where contributions and successes are recognised, where people have a sense of purpose and know they are contributing to the community and our stakeholders.

Therefore, Aisling is proud to announce that the first of our series of talks – called the TIP Talk – successfully took place at Sheraton PJ on 1 July 2022.

TIP Talks, which stands for Transformation, Impact, and People, are a series of monthly talks that are part of Aisling’s People Engagement Programme.

We aim to foster meaningful communication, collaboration, and connection between employees by hosting a line-up of distinguished speakers in the industry who will touch upon relevant topics and share their personal insights.

For the inaugural TIP Talk, we were honoured to have industry leaders Adzhar Ibrahim, Freda Liu, and A. Santhakumaran joining us and sharing with us not only their knowledge, but also experience in constructing a strong brand, having grit and resilience, as well as creating a holistic customer experience.

Ultimately, not only do we want our people to feel connected to each other, but we also want them to learn new things and develop new skills that will be useful both in their professional and personal lives.

As the adage goes, “If you give a man a fish, he will eat for a day, but if you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.”

TIP Talks are more than just a team-building activity, they are a way for employees to unlock their potential.

Welcome on board!

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