Professional Development

Why “Human” Leadership is a Critical Need in Today’s Workplace

The world of work has gone beyond just a nine-to-five routine. With a significant number of employees working in a hybrid or remote office, enabling work to be done from anywhere, at any time, come a shift in terms of what people expect from their employers and leaders. Leaders can no longer take a top-down one size fits all way to leading teams. They’re expected to be more sensitive to the changing needs of their teams; they need to embrace “human” leadership, which emphasises empathy, adaptability, and focuses on the well-being and development of employees.

A March 2022 Gartner survey found that 90% of HR leaders believed that leaders must focus on the human aspects of leadership to success in today’s work environment; another Gartner survey from the same period, though, found that just 29% of employees think their leader is a human leader.

Here’s why “human” leadership is essential in today’s workplace:

Employee Expectations and Well-being

Employees today have higher expectations from their leaders. They want leaders who show empathy, understand their needs, and support their overall well-being. Research has shown that leaders who score highly as “human” leaders contribute significant business value by improving retention and increasing employee satisfaction. By prioritising the well-being of employees, “human” leaders create a positive work environment that fosters engagement, productivity, and loyalty.

Changing Work Dynamics

The nature of work has evolved, with remote work, hybrid work models, and increased reliance on technology. This has created new challenges for leaders in managing and engaging their teams. “Human” leaders recognise the importance of adapting to these changes and finding innovative ways to connect with and support their employees. They understand that effective leadership goes beyond addressing work needs and extends to supporting the life needs of employees.

Building Trust and Collaboration

Trust and collaboration are crucial for a thriving workplace. “Human” leaders prioritise building trust by fostering open communication, transparency, and inclusivity. They create a safe space where employees feel comfortable sharing their ideas, concerns, and feedback. By promoting collaboration and teamwork, “human” leaders harness the collective intelligence of their teams and drive innovation.

Employee Development and Growth

Investing in employee development and growth is a key aspect of “human” leadership. These leaders understand that by helping their employees develop new skills and reach their full potential, they contribute to the long-term success of both the individual and the organisation. “Human” leaders provide mentorship, guidance, and opportunities for learning and advancement.

Putting “Human” Leadership into Practice

So, how can organisations foster “human” leadership? It comes back to three pillars, as identified by Gartner: adaptivity, empathy, and authenticity. Here are some strategies organisations can implement towards this:

1. Leadership Development Programmes:

Provide training and development opportunities for leaders to enhance their emotional intelligence, empathy, and communication skills.

2. Employee Feedback and Recognition:

Encourage regular feedback and recognition to create a culture of appreciation and support.

3. Flexible Work Policies:

Adopt flexible work arrangements that prioritise work-life balance and accommodate the diverse needs of employees.

4. Promote Diversity and Inclusion:

Foster an inclusive work environment that values diversity and ensures equal opportunities for all employees.

5. Lead by Example:

Leaders should embody the qualities of “human” leadership and serve as role models for their teams.

By embracing “human” leadership, organisations can create a workplace culture that attracts and retains top talent, drives innovation, and achieves long-term success.

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Professional Development

Unmasking Burnout: Spotting the Warning Signs and Boosting Productivity for Retaining Top Talent

In today’s fast-paced and demanding work environment, burnout has become a prevalent issue that can greatly impact both employees and organisations alike. Gallup’s State of the Workplace 2023 report found that although the world has recovered from the worst of the pandemic, employee stress remained at a record-high level, with 44 percent employees saying they experienced a lot of stress the previous day. Similarly, a Future Forum Pulse report found that burnout is on the rise globally, with 42 percent of the workforce reporting burnout, an all-time high since May 2021 when Future Forum started measuring burnout.

By recognising the causes and symptoms of burnout, organisations and leaders can take proactive measures to create a supportive work culture that fosters employee engagement and satisfaction, in turn retaining top talent and ensuring productivity levels.

Understanding burnout and its impact on productivity

Burnout is more than just feeling exhausted or overwhelmed; it is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress.

Burnout can show in various ways, physically, emotionally and mentally. Physical indications include chronic fatigue, headaches, and insomnia, while emotional ones may comprise feelings of cynicism, irritability, and a lack of motivation, among others. People suffering from burnout may also have difficulty concentrating, memory problems, and a decline in decision-making abilities.

When employees experience burnout, their productivity and performance suffer, leading to decreased engagement and increased turnover rates.

Warning signs to watch out for

risk employees and preventing further decline in productivity. While the signs of burnout may vary from person to person, there are several common indicators that employers should be aware of.

One of the most apparent signs of burnout is a noticeable decline in performance. Employees who were once highly productive and engaged may start missing deadlines, submitting subpar work, or exhibiting a lack of enthusiasm for their tasks. Additionally, increased absenteeism or frequent sick leaves can be a red flag for burnout.

Another common warning sign is a shift in attitude or behaviour. Burnout can lead to feelings of cynicism, detachment, and negativity towards work. Employees may become more irritable, easily frustrated, or show signs of disengagement such as avoiding social interactions or isolating themselves from colleagues.

Strategies for preventing burnout in the workplace

Burnout may seem a personal struggle, but it can have a big impact on people and organisations. Some measures that organisations can take to prevent burnout and foster positive employee engagement are:

1. Promote work-life balance:

Encourage employees to prioritise their well-being by establishing clear boundaries between work and personal life. Implement flexible work arrangements, such as hybrid work schedules or flexible hours, to allow employees to better manage their responsibilities both professionally and personally.

2. Provide opportunities for rest and rejuvenation:

Emphasise the importance of taking breaks and vacations to recharge. Encourage employees to disconnect from work during non-working hours and support their efforts to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

3. Foster a supportive work culture:

Create an environment where open communication, trust, and collaboration are encouraged. Build strong relationships with employees and provide resources for them to seek help and support when needed.

4. Recognise and appreciate achievements:

Acknowledge and celebrate employees’ accomplishments to boost morale and motivation. Regularly provide feedback and recognition for their contributions, helping them feel valued and appreciated.

5. Offer professional development opportunities:

Support employees’ growth and career aspirations by providing training programmes, mentorship, and access to skills development. This not only enhances their job satisfaction but also increases their sense of purpose and engagement.


Unmasking burnout and addressing its warning signs is essential for organisations to retain top talent and boost productivity. By understanding the causes and symptoms of burnout, organisations can proactively implement strategies to prevent burnout and create a supportive work environment, retaining their top talent, enhancing productivity, and driving organisational success.

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